"SET INOX" tvöföld stál skál/dallur upphækkað 2x 1,75 L
"SET INOX" tvöföld stál skál/dallur upphækkað 2x 1,75 L
Venjulegt verð
2.300 ISK
Venjulegt verð
2.300 ISK
"SET INOX" er skálasett á upphækkun.
- Tvær stál skálar/dallar
- á upphækkun
- 2x 1,75 L
- sterkar og endingargóðar stálskálar
- gúmmi neðan á fótum uppphækkunar
The stainless steel double feeder set is an excellent option to offer water and food to our pet. By being raised from the ground, our pet will be able to access water and food more comfortably and we will have a higher level of hygiene since it is not in direct contact with the ground. The feeders are made of stainless steel, a material characterized by its durability and resistance. The legs of the support have rubber bands that prevent the feeder from slipping during use.